• Yes, imagine going to our website or physical store in the morning over breakfast, reserving a home, and after lunch signing a contract allowing you to move into the home on payment of 1 of 360 fixed capital payments and 1 flexible utility payment, and then moving into your new home by tea time. Your home will be guaranteed to be in tip top condition, both physically and legally, so you purchase with total peace of mind, stress free. Furthermore, every capital payment you make on the home increases your equity in the home, so that if say 7 years down the road you run into financial difficulties, all we do is give you a payment holiday if your situation is short term or give you some of your equity as a lump sum and transfer to a cheaper house with cheaper payments. So easy, so flexible, and no nasty experiences such as going through a repossession where you lose everything and are left on the street.
    • We are just starting out. We need other people to back us in order to bring this vision of a better game changing method of home ownership into being. Amazon started with just a few books for sale and ended up being the go to platform for online retail. We will start with a few houses and end up being the go to platform for buying or selling a home. Homelessness in Spain, Italy, Portugal, France and many other countries is caused not by a shortage of properties. No, there are loads of empty houses for sale, many at bargain prices, and a glut of apartments. In Spain for example, you can buy a home with a garden of over 300 square metres built living space within a few kilometres of top beaches and large urban cities for around 100 thousand euros. Compare that with what you would have to pay for a comparable property 25 kilometres away from Los Angeles, California. The reason of course for these prices is the strict criteria the banks apply for lending to buy a home. Owner finance barely exists in Spain and the banks pick and choose who they will lend to. Take for example, the case of Pedro and Maria. Pedro was in his 60s and received a monthly paycheck. Maria was in her 30s and was a house wife. The family could easily afford the 350 euro a month mortgage payment to buy a home, but the banks would not give them the finance because Peter was the one who had the income, not Maria. So much to their disgust they had no alternative but to rent for 700 euros a month. There are millions of people like them who want their own home but are not approved for having one. In England they say that a man´s home is his castle. We believe that´s right. No matter how humble the dwelling place, it is a man´s God given right to be able to give shelter to his family. With our system of home ownership age does not matter. Even someone in their 90s is free to move into one of our homes and start building equity in it. So we invite you to join the crusade to make our system of ownership a reality.
    • Will you help? Are you willing to give a bit of your spare capital to help us when we most need it. We need you. Our company needs you. Our country needs you. The homeless people need you. All the people who dream of having their own home but who are rejected by the banks need you. So what´s in it for you if you show your generosity and give us some money to help us launch this idea? Well, first of all the satisfaction that you are helping to solve one of the biggest problems in society, stress caused by housing problems and homelessness. Second, we give you our word that at some time in the future we will bless you with a surprise, who knows, maybe when you most need it. We will give you double what you give us in gold or double in cash, whichever is greater. Let us explain and give an example. At the time of writing gold was trading at about 2500 dollars an ounce, so say you gave us 2500 dollars, that would be the equivalent to an ounce of gold. If we chose to give you the blessing in ten years time and at that time gold were trading at $9000 an ounce, we would givee you $18000, ie the equivalent of 2 ounces of gold. However if gold were only trading at $1000 an ounce then, we would still give you 5000 dollars, ie double the cash amount that you gave us. We don´t know when exactly we will give you the blessing, but it is in our interest to do so sooner rather than later as the more time that goes by our liability will probably increase. Third, in addition we will give random gifts to those we are planning to bless, ie to those who blessed us, until such time as we can pay them the double blessing. Fourth, all donors will have the chance to participate free of charge in a draw which we will hold when we have lots of houses, to give a house away. Fifth, donors may add their name to the waiting list for the opportunity to buy a home using our revolutionary fast easy stress free method of ownership. Furthermore, because start up capital is so difficult and expensive to get, we will give you 10% of any amount that is given to us as a result of your introduction and recommendation. If you know people who you feel would like to give to our crusade for easy home ownership, we will give you 10% of what they give, but you must message us first so that we approve you to become an affiliate and give you a reference which will identify you as the person who has introduced and recommended such and such a person to us. You can give to our crusade by copying and pasting the Stripe payment link below or if you prefer the Paypal link into your browser. You can help this crusade by applying to become an affiliate by sending us a message in our contact us message box below, or by emailing us to oureasyhomes@gmail.com We thank you for your support. We are a British Northern Ireland based company called Pay Bit by Bit Homes Limited, company number NI703368 and with registered office in The Hatchery NI, 58 Graystone Road, Unit 19, Antrim Enterprise Park, Antrim BT41 1JZ, Northern Ireland, Great Britain. The founders and directors are Anthony and Lean Wolseley Wilmsen who currently live in the province of Valencia, Spain. Once again, we thank you for the support and the trust that you place in us. Copy and paste this link into your browser to make your donation. Thank you.

    PAYPAL LINK: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=N9XQH35SPH5NU

